What's In Season

These are our recommended plants this month

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Campanula rot. Thumbell Blue

Campanula rot. Thumbell Blue Compact violet blue bell like ...


Campanula rot. White Gem

Campanula rot. White Gem Compact violet blue bell like ...


Carex secta

Carex secta A handsome clump forming green...


Carex secta

Carex secta A handsome clump forming green...


Carpodetus serratus

Marble Leaf Dark green leaves with light m...


Ceanothus Blue Mound

Californian Lilac Compact spreading bush with ma...


Cedrus deodara Aurea

Golden Himalayan Cedar One of the best golden trees f...


Coprosma rugosa

Coprosma rugosa Flat topped standardized nativ...


Cornus alba Sibirica

Red Stemmed Dogwood Very hardy, bushy shrub with b...


Cornus Greenvale

C. capitata x C. kousa chinensis A vigorous tree with large cre...


Cornus Greenvale

C. capitata x C. kousa chinensis A vigorous tree with large cre...


Cornus kousa chinensis

Chinese Rima Dogwood A great small tree for souther...


Cornus stolonifera Flaviramea

Yellow Stemmed Dogwood Very hardy shrub for all soils...


Corokia virgata Frosted Chocolate

Corokia virgata Frosted Chocolate Plant in a warm sunny garden ...


Cortaderia fulvida (syn Austroderia)

Kakaho Dwarf ToeToe Feather-like flowers November ...


Cortaderia toitoi

Cortaderia toitoi Largest endemic grass found in...


Cupressocyparis l. Leighton's Green

Cupressocyparis l. Leighton's Green A vigorous tree of dense habit...
