What's In Season

These are our recommended plants this month

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Acer palmatum Senkaki (Patio)

Acer palmatum Senkaki (Patio) Magnicicent orange autumn colo...


Acer saccharum

Sugar Maple Hardy tree for any garden. Gre...


Alchemilla erythropoda

dwarf lady's mantle A yellow flowering perennial n...


Alnus x spaethii



Aquilegea Early Bird Mix

Columbine A shorter stem Aquilegia with ...


Aquilegia can. Little Lanterns

Dwarf Columbines A dwarf selection with small o...


Aquilegia fl. Pumila f. Alba

Aquilegia fl. Pumila f. Alba A dwarf mound with white flowe...


Aquilegia fl. Pumila selection

Aquilegia fl. Pumila selection A rounded clump forming plant,...


Astilbe arendsii Showstar

Astilbe arendsii Showstar A dwarf perennial with dark gr...


Austroderia richardii (Cortaderia richardii)

Kakaho - Toe Toe Feather-like flowers November ...


Azalea Dorothy Corston

Azalea Dorothy Corston Deep orange red flowers on a c...


Azalea Pavlova

Blue Mountain Double Azalea Scented double white flowers o...


Azalea Pink Chiffon

Blue Mountain Double Azalea Double pink flowers in Nov. On...


Azalea White Golden Eye

Azalea White Golden Eye Large white flowers with a yel...


Azara microphylla

Vanilla Tree Upright tree of green foliage ...


Betula ermanii Polar

Silver Birch Pearly white trunks form a sle...


Betula utilis jacquemontii

Himalayan Birch Beautiful white peeling bark a...


Buddleja fallowiana Alba

Butterfly Bush Foliage silvery grey when youn...


Buddleja Lochinch

Butterfly Bush Foliage silvery grey when youn...


Buxus microphylla var koreana

Korean Box A dwarf variety differing in i...


Buxus sempervirens Notata

Hedging Box This is the main form planted ...


Buxus sempervirens Suffruticosa

Edging Box Dense mass of small dark green...


Calycanthus Hartlage Wine

Calycanthus Hartlage Wine A beautiful fast growing plant...


Carex secta

Carex secta A handsome clump forming green...


Carex secta

Carex secta A handsome clump forming green...


Carpodetus serratus

Marble Leaf Dark green leaves with light m...


Ceanothus Blue Mound

Californian Lilac Compact spreading bush with ma...


Ceanothus papillosus Roweanus

Californian lilac A rounded dense bush with dark...


Cedrus atlantica glauca

Blue Cedar The conspicuous blue needles m...


Cham. thyoides Ericoides

Cham. thyoides Ericoides A compact conifer with blue gr...


Clematis integrifolia Blue Ribbons

Clematis integrifolia Blue Ribbons A dwarf form that has large de...


Convallaria majalis Rosea

Lily of the Valley (pink) Spikes of highly scented pink ...
