What's In Season

These are our recommended plants this month

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Paeonia Coral Sunset

Paeonia Coral Sunset Early bloomer in late spring w...


Paeonia Pillow Talk

Paeonia Pillow Talk Fragrant, award winning, very ...


Paeonia Red Charm

Paeonia Red Charm Rich of substance and texture,...


Parahebe catarractae Blue

Parahebe catarractae Blue A flat growing native with blu...


Pittosporum tenuifolium

Kohuhu Delightful small tree. Slender...


Pittosporum tenuifolium

Kohuhu Delightful small tree. Slender...


Populus kawa

Populus kawa This strong fast growing tree ...


Populus Lombardy

Populus Lombardy An upright tree making a great...


Populus Veronese

Populus Veronese Narrow upright tree which is r...


Populus yunnanensis

Populus yunnanensis Broadly columnar is habit. Ne...


Primula x pubescens Exhibition Rot

Primula x pubescens Exhibition Rot Early Spring Flowering. Full s...


Pseudowintera c. Winter Fire

Pepper Tree Leaves turn red in the winter,...


Pseudowintera colarata Red Leopard

Red Pepper Tree Medium sized native shrub with...


Pseudowintera colorata Burgundy Delight

Pseudowintera colorata Burgundy Delight Aromatic green foliage, lime y...


Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Pagageno'

Pasque Plant 30cm fringed to semi double fl...


Pulsatilla vulgaris Alba

White Pasque flower Creamy white flowers in spring...


Quercus palustris

Pin Oak Glossy green leaves turning br...


Rhodo Alison Johnstone

yunnanense x cinnabarinum Flowers amber with pink frosti...


Rhodo Beau Brummel

(Essex Scarlet x facetum) Dark red flowers on a compact ...


Rhodo Christmas Cheer

(caucasicum hybrid) Pink flowers in early spring a...


Rhodo Cornubia

(arboreum x shilsonii) Bright red flowers in Sept. Up...


Rhodo Cream surpreme

Rhodo Cream surpreme Cream pink buds open to cream ...


Rhodo Dame Nellie Melba

Standishii x arboreum Flowers bright pink with crims...


Rhodo dichroanthum

(Species) Light orange flowers with a la...


Rhodo Ed Hillary

Rhodo williamsianum x grande grande x williamsianum seedlin...


Rhodo Gartendirektor Reiger

(R. Adriaan Koster x R. Williamsianum) Flowers cream with a red spot ...


Rhodo Gordon Jones

Rhodo Gordon Jones Purplish pink buds open very p...


Rhodo Graziella

Rhodo Graziella Parentage unknown possibly hyb...


Rhodo Gretsel

bureavii x Fabia Large flowers of salmon orange...


Rhodo Helen Deehr

Unknown Warrior x Noya Brave Crimson bell shaped flowers in...


Rhodo High Society

Rhodo High Society Pink and cream flowers in late...


Rhodo Isabel Pierce

(Anna x Lem's) Flowers of rich pink, lighter ...
