What's In Season

These are our recommended plants this month

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Rhodo Gordon Jones

Rhodo Gordon Jones Purplish pink buds open very p...


Rhodo Graziella

Rhodo Graziella Parentage unknown possibly hyb...


Rhodo Gretsel

bureavii x Fabia Large flowers of salmon orange...


Rhodo Helen Deehr

Unknown Warrior x Noya Brave Crimson bell shaped flowers in...


Rhodo Helen Deehr

Unknown Warrior x Noya Brave Crimson bell shaped flowers in...


Rhodo High Society

Rhodo High Society Pink and cream flowers in late...


Rhodo Isabel Pierce

(Anna x Lem's) Flowers of rich pink, lighter ...


Rhodo Jock Bonny Bell

(williamsonianum x griersonianum) Rosy pink flowers cover the wi...


Rhodo John Bull

Rhodo John Bull Highly scented pale pink to wh...


Rhodo Ken Jordan

Fantastica x strigillosum New Ken Jordan yak. cross. Ve...


Rhodo Lee's Dark Purple

Catawbiense x Dark purple flowers and attrac...


Rhodo Lems Burgundy

Rhodo Lems Burgundy Lovely burgundy red flowers wi...


Rhodo Marion Street

Alice x yakushimanum Large soft pink flowers in lat...


Rhodo Most Admired

Rhodo Most Admired A specutular flowering hardy c...


Rhodo Most Admired

Rhodo Most Admired A specutular flowering hardy c...


Rhodo Princess Alice

(edgeworthii x ciliatum) Sweetly scented white flowers ...


Rhodo Sea-tac

(MOSER'S MAROON X WILLIAMSIANUM) Cardinal red flowers in a ball...


Rhodo Spotlight

Rhodo Spotlight Pale pink flowers in late Oct ...


Rhodo yakushimanum FCC

syn. Yak 'Koichiro Wada' Pink buds open to dainty pink ...


Scabiosa caucasica Fama Deep Blue

Scabiosa caucasica Fama Deep Blue Masses of blue flowers on a lo...


Skimmia japonica Rogersii

Skimmia japonica Rogersii Compact female clone with clus...


Sophora longicarinata

Takaka Kowhai Distinct plant,characterised b...


Sophora tetraptera Tapanui

Sophora tetraptera Tapanui


Sophora tetraptera x Chathamica

Large leafed Kowhai The largest leafed Kowhai,with...


Stokesia laevis

Stokesia laevis Easily grown in well-drained s...


Stokesia laevis Alba

Stokesia laevis Alba Easily grown in well-drained s...


Syringa x chinensis

Rouen Lilac A medium-sized shrub of dense ...


Thuja plicata

Western Red Cedar A fast growing tree with very ...


Veronica spicata Alba

Speedwell Is an upright growing perennia...


Viburnum opulus Sterile syn. V.o. Roseum

Snowball Tree Very hardy shrub with large wh...


Viburnum tinus Eve Price

Laurustinus Compact hardy shrub with carmi...


Viburnum tinus Lucidum

Laurustinus Buds appear in autumn opening ...
